
2016年9月8日 星期四

[醫如往常] Senior Clerkship Day 8: Ob/Gyn Hysteroscopy, SILS, 病歷寫作

Hysteroscopy 楊教授
TCR, Trans Cervical Resection
Timing: proliferative follicular phase
Contraindication: PID, Pregnancy, cervical cancer
Laminaria 海草 吸水撐大cervix
Endometrial polyp, sono hyperechoic
Intrauterine myoma type 0
Submucous myoma type I
Bicornuate 不能
3D sonofundus
Asherman syndrome
Uterine adhesion
Central 比較好
Marginal type 不適合
Post operation
No need for NPO
Oral antibiotics
Discharge 當天或隔天

Afternoon Meeting
Single-port laparoscopy(SPL) single-incision laparoscopic surgery (SILS)
  • Blood loss
  • Diet initiation
  • Hospitalization
成大婦產部 許教授: 2010諾貝爾獎IVF之父 RG Edwards惟一台灣學生
384-322 BC Aristotle:  "Seeds" theory
1578-1657 William Harvey:  "Sperm" theory
Leeuwenhoek: First Sperm study
Dalenpatus: homunculus
1826 Von Bear :Modern father of embryology: Oocytes
1939 Pincus rabbit
1959 張明覺 試管嬰兒之父 rabbit
Polge 冷凍精液大師, 台大鄭登貴指導教授
1967 Patrick Steptoe 腹腔鏡大師

1978 第一成功IVF: Louise Brown華誕
1980 Bourn Hall Clinic

1987 台大首例IVF
鍾醫師 病歷寫作
General Gynecology
• Introduction:
– This __ year old, GxPx woman is a patient with a
history of A, B, C under __, and D.
• Why is she here?
– She began to have _____ since….
– She experienced _____ for…..
• Course of disease or treatment:
– She went to an LMD and…..
• Echo? CT? Lab?
• Diagnosis?
• Medications given? Surgeries done?• At our hospital:
– Came to our OPD for second opinion?
– Transferred to our ER?
• Echo? CT? Lab?
• Medications given? Surgeries done?
• Impression?
• Plan:
– Therefore, under the impression of _______, she
was admitted for_______.
General Obstetrics
• Introduction:
– This __ year old, GxPx woman is pregnant for GA __.
– She has a history of A, B, C under __, and D.
• Prenatal care:
– She received prenatal care at ____
– Abnormal or normal results?
• Why is she here?
– APH? Preterm uterine contraction? Previous C/S? Placenta
previa? .....
• Plan:
– Due to labor sign/PROM/Preterm labor/Previous C/S….,
she was admitted for delivery/scheduled C/S, etc.
GYN oncology
• Introduction:
– This __ year old, GxPx woman is a patient with a history of
A, B, C under __, and D.
• Why is she here?
– Vaginal bleeding? Post-menopausal bleeding? PAP smear
results? Abdominal pain? Accidental findings?
• Course of disease or treatment:
– She went to ____ and did this there.
• Echo? CT? Lab?
• Diagnosis?
• Medications given? Surgeries done?
• Pathology?• At our hospital:
– Came to our OPD for second opinion?
– Transferred to our ER?
• Echo? CT? Lab?
• Medications given? Surgeries done?
• Impression?
• Plan:
– Therefore, under the impression of _______, she
was admitted for_______.
OBGYN history:
– GxPx, NSD? C/S?
– Menstruation cycle, I/D
– Past history
– Operations
– PAP smear• Pelvic examination:
– Vagina/vulva: grossly normal
– Cervix(VP): grossly normal, lifting pain?
– Discharge: mild whitish mucoid? Bloody?
– Uterus: Enlarged? About GA ___
– Adnexa: tenderness? Rebounding pain? Mass
noted? (egg size, tennis ball size, etc….)
Endometrial cancer
Vaginal bleeding stage 1A
Pubic symphysis week 12
Umbilicus week 20
Echo trans-Abdominal/Vaginal:
Avfl or Rvfl
ROV sand like chocolate cyst

CDS: ascites or free


