
2016年9月30日 星期五

[醫如往常] Senior Clerkship Day 18: Ob/Gyn SSCT; Urogynecology

    Grand Round PGY
    SSCT; Spermatogonial stem cell autotransplantqtion
    Subfertility (prevalence: 15%)
    Subfertility generally describes any form of reduced fertility with prolonged time of unwanted non-conception.

    • 17% male factor
    • Drug, cancer
    Testis biopsy→Cryo-sperm→Propagation
    Rete testis, efferent ductules injection
    Crisper/Cas9 gene editing
    Clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats
    NGG, NCC PAM(protospacer adjacent motif)
    CRISPR/Cas (Clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats and CRISPR-associated systems) 是將來自於化膿性鏈球菌(Streptococcus pyogenes)的Cas9蛋白與guide RNA形成一個複合體,由guide RNA上的Protospacer序列(17~20nt)辨識DNA,緊接在Protospacer序列之後的三個核苷酸(NGG)稱為Protospacer adjacent motif(PAM),Cas9即辨識PAM並切割緊鄰的雙股DNA。其後又發展出只切割單股DNA的CAS9 Nickase以降低脫靶效應(off target effect)。
    Protospacer adjacent motif (PAM) is a 2-6 base pair DNA sequence immediately following the DNA sequence targeted by the Cas9 nuclease in the CRISPR bacterial adaptive immune system.
    GeCKO; Genome scale CRISPR-Cas9 knockout
    41% azoospermia 仍可TESE; Testicular sperm extraction

    Urogynecology 蕭醫師

    Level I
    Cardinal lig.

    Level II, cystocele
    Arcus tendineus (fasciae pelvis),white line

    Level III
    Radical hystectomy
    C1 nerve-sparring
    C2 non-nerve-sparring
    Sup hypogastric n.: Sympathetic
    Inf. Hypogastric plexus: mixed
    Obturator n.
    POP-Q system
    D: omit when no cervix
    Valsalva maneuver才準
    n Aa, Ba, C, D, Ap, Bp, total vaginal length,
    genital hiatus, perineal body

    Simplified POP-Q
    n Ba
    n Bp
    n C
    n D
    Sphincter defect
    Urethral hypermobility. Q Tip test
    1. Resting angle>30°
    Functional capacity >300 cc
    20 min pad test
    Voiding cystometry
    Detrusor pressure=bladder-abd
    Normal 10-25 mmH2O
    Maximal urethral closure pressure

    Urethral hypermobility
    Correlation of LUTD before and after UDS

    VLPP(Valsalva Leak Point Pressure)<60
    200 cc leak pressure
    Pharmacologic Treatment of SUI
    n Duloxetine : serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor (SNRI)
    n Imipramine : Anticholinergic agents and α-adrenergic agonist
    MMK: cause Pelvic bone osteolysis
    TVT for ISD, Intrinsic sphincter defect

    Solifenacin antimuscarinic for 3 months
    Mirabegron beta-3 agonist

    Sacral neuromodulation
    Uterus prolapse
    Venous stasis may be related

    Ip Vaginal sacrospinous colpopexy


