20151012 Pediatrics
Lysosomal Acid Lipase Deficiency (or LAL deficiency)
今天藥商贊助的紐約Prof. Robert J Desnick - The Mount Sinai Hospital來演講一個可治療的罕見疾病LALD
Infant onset: WD; Wolamn Disease
3-10% of LAL activity
- Adrenal calcification
- Malabsorption, failure to thrive
- Cachexia
- Microvesicular Steatosis looks like NASH; nonalcoholic steatohepatitis
- hepatosplenomegaly: hepatomegaly and splenomegaly
- jaundice, and a persistent low-grade fever
- Pancytopenia
- Bone marrow dysfunction
- Intestinal villi lipid accumulation
- abdominal distention
- Diarrhea (loose frequent stools)
Later onset: CESD; cholesterol ester storage disease
1-60 y/o
Adulthood type need liver transplantation
- Accumulation: LSD; lysosomal storage disorder
- hepatomegaly: Liver pathology (Orange liver)(Crystal lipid)(Microvesicular Steatosis)
- Hyperlipidemia: high cholesterol and high triglyceride level
- Elevated AST; aspartate transaminase & ALT; alanine transaminase
- Atherosclerosis
APA; Academic Pediatric Association 建議
5 y/o need liver study and Enzyme assay for LAL deficiency
E8SJM gene mutation associated with cachexia
病理Unknown liver disease: Cryptic liver disease
- Not responded to Statin!
- Transplantation: Bone marrow transplantation 副作用很多
- ERT; Enzyme replacement therapy:
- rhLAL: 以Egg-White 製造,Targeted delivery Coat with M6P; Mannose-6-phosphate
WD 4 month前開始治療,brain正常
A Phase 3 Trial of Sebelipase Alfa in Lysosomal Acid Lipase Deficiency
NEJM 2015 ARISE study
Sebelipase alpha
Every 2 weeks 給藥
Vice Superintendent Prof. Ni
NTUH沒有 LALD case
Prof. Wu AP
若母親有CTD結締組織病 Ex: SLE,需注意新生兒是否有 congenital AV block。
"CONCLUSION:The prevalence of CCHB (congenital complete heart block) in newborns of prospectively followed up women already known to be anti-Ro/SSA positive and with known CTD (connective tissue disease) was 2%.This finding is useful with regard to preconception counseling of these women. The risk of delivering an infant with CCHB may be higher in mothers with primary SS (Sjögren's syndrome) or UCTD (undifferentiated CTD) than in those with SLE. Additional electrocardiographic abnormalities such as sinus bradycardia and prolongation of the QT interval may be present in their children."
Arthritis Rheum. 2001 Aug;44(8):1832-5.Risk of congenital complete heart block in newborns of mothers with anti-Ro/SSA antibodies detected by counterimmunoelectrophoresis: a prospective study of 100 women.Brucato A1, Frassi M, Franceschini F, Cimaz R, Faden D, Pisoni MP, Muscarà M, Vignati G, Stramba-Badiale M, Catelli L, Lojacono A, Cavazzana I, Ghirardello A, Vescovi F,Gambari PF, Doria A, Meroni PL, Tincani A.
G (Gravida)
T (term)
Pr (pre-term)
Ab (abortion)
LC (living children)
E is elective abortions and M is multiple
兒科是用G P SA AA
大便顏色 (stool color)
最早是由日本東北帝國大學Dr. Matsui發表在Lancet letter
台灣推行 嬰兒大便卡後 ,膽道閉鎖患者在出生 60 日內完成手術由40%→70%
湯匙分兩種,一湯匙加30cc, 60cc水
出生3.1-3.5kg, 第一個月要長1kg以上
陳偉德教授 中國醫藥大學北港附設醫院
Chen W, Chang MH. New growth charts for Taiwanese children and adolescents based on World Health Organization standards and health-related physical fitness. Pediatr Neonatol. 2010;51:69-79
翻身 roll over(4~6 個月)
預防接種 不要寫as schedule
家族史 至少畫三代
Weekly summary主要是給值班醫師快速了解病人狀況,解釋給
若母親有 SLE,則需注意新生兒是否有 congenital AV block。
CONCLUSION:The prevalence of CCHB (congenital complete heart block
) in newborns of prospectively followed up women already known to be anti-Ro/SSA positive and with known CTD (connective tissue disease) was 2%.This finding is useful with regard to preconception counseling of these women. The risk of delivering an infant with CCHB may be higher in mothers with primary SS (Sjögren's syndrome) or UCTD (undifferentiated CTD) than in those with SLE. Additional electrocardiographic abnormalities such as sinus bradycardia and prolongation of the QT interval may be present in their children.
Arthritis Rheum. 2001 Aug;44(8):1832-5.Risk of congenital complete heart block in newborns of mothers with anti-Ro/SSA antibodies detected by counterimmunoelectrophoresis: a prospective study of 100 women.Brucato A1, Frassi M, Franceschini F, Cimaz R, Faden D, Pisoni MP, Muscarà M, Vignati G, Stramba-Badiale M, Catelli L, Lojacono A, Cavazzana I, Ghirardello A, Vescovi F,Gambari PF, Doria A, Meroni PL, Tincani A.
Prof. Chang P
OPV(oral polio vaccine)因為仍然有兩百萬分之一感染機率
2 種以上的 live vaccine 之間,至少需隔4 週以上才可以再打下一劑。因為提早打的免疫反應比較差。
PCV10 GSK有 protein D減少中耳炎
2,4,6,12 (第三劑要自費)
Varicella vaccine 目前公費是1歲打
美國建議4-6 y/o可以打第二劑
Pediatric Bacterial Infection
Prof. Liu AP
生化指標只對大多數有效,少數偏離的無法診斷 |
兒童的細菌感染是 age dependent |
IPD; invasive pneumococcus disease要小心